Code of practice
1. Purpose
This Code of Practice is supplementary to the REMA Constitution and exists to regulate the conduct of all members of the Retroreflective Equipment Manufacturers Association and thus enhance the standing and reputation of members and their products.
2. Introduction
2.1 Hereafter, the Code of Practice is abbreviated to CoP.
2.2 The Retroreflective Equipment Manufacturers Association is abbreviated to REMA.
2.3 The Secretariat is the administrative body of REMA.
2.4 The Council is the body that manages REMA and makes the decisions on matters such as policy and membership subject to the approval of the Membership.
2.5 The principles set out in this CoP are not intended to qualify, interpret or supplant the law.
2.6 All members whether full or associate are required to implement the Constitution and this CoP
2.7 This is an overall CoP applicable to all members. In addition, there may be additional CoP(s) which are product specific.
3.1 To ensure that all members have an externally audited quality system for their products in place e.g. ISO 9001 : 2015
3.2 To provide an environment where the members, manufacturers and suppliers are able to provide registration, certification and accreditation to an appropriate ISO Quality Standard, or be able to provide an acceptable quality procedure, which can be independently assessed.
3.3 To develop and maintain within the industry, a manufacturing culture of trust, integrity and respect in order to help non-compliant companies to understand their shortcomings and to attain an acceptable positive outcome.
3.4 To provide specifiers, distributors and end users the confidence that their products are compliant to current UK legislation and International, European and British Standards.
3.5 To develop and maintain an ongoing proactive dialogue with appropriate Standards bodies, Regulators and Trading Standards Authorities.
3.6 To provide the Industry with appropriate expertise, either directly or indirectly in order to address issues of non-compliance.
3.7 Ensure all members’ products are of the appropriate quality and fully comply with the requirements of the appropriate International, European and British Standards.
4. Complaints
4.1 The efficient and just handling of Industry complaints is essential to the well being of REMA, its members and their customers. The implementation of this CoP is designed to ensure that the number of complaints is minimised.
4.2 When non-compliance issues are brought before a sub-committee then the REMA complaints procedure shall be followed. When proven all issues of non-compliance will be brought to the attention of the relevant parties for corrective action to be taken.
5. Enforcement of the Code of Practice
5.1 At the request of the Secretary all members are required to provide to the Secretariat full relevant documentation for any product which is covered by the REMA Constitution under “defined products”. This documentation must prove full compliance to current UK legislation and International, European and British Standards.
5.2 The penalties, which may be imposed for the infringement of the CoP, are defined in the REMA Constitution or determined by the REMA Council.
6. Communication
6.1 To develop and improve end user awareness of the latest Legislation, applicable Standards and industry best practice.
6.2 To emphasise to purchasing organisations the benefits of dealing with REMA member companies who are following this established CoP.